with SUN ON we create valuable and individual products that have been manufactured with a lot of love and hard work. the background of the product, by whom and where it was made and the journey it has made so far play a major role. we value the traditional craftsmanship and the complex fabrics with a fair salary and a long-term business relationship. you as a customer hold a product in your hands that tells a little story. our vision is to bring more mindfulness into today's fashion! to create a company that is committed to the social and ecological aspects of the country and the people behind a product.

Hey there! I am Kaya, the Founder of SUN ON Designs. I studied fashion- and design management in Hamburg and travel since years to different places. But travelling in a slow way - I spend over a year in Bali, lived the last winter in Morocco and call Portugal my second home. I started my studies with the idea to do my impact against today’s thowaway society. And this brand is my way of doing so. To create meaningful things. To connect with people & places. To value handmade products & traditional methods of the textile industry.
& I love what I do here!
First time in Bali - impressed by the nature, the happy people and the art on every street corner. The best way to explore the island is to get on a scooter and just go with the flow. We rode up and down hills, past rice fields and small villages. At the end of a road where there was nothing but a palm forest, a man suddenly appeared. He asked us in a few words of English if we would like to be his guests. Wayan would like to introduce us to his family and show us his house. We followed him through the thicket for a few minutes and suddenly found ourselves in front of a small building. We met every member of the family, from the little daughter to the great-grandmother, ate rice out of palm leaves and were simply overwhelmed by the friendliness and openness of these people. They had so little and wanted to give so much. The daughter was weaving on a small loom and the uncle was making a wooden statue.
That was my first experience of Balinese handicrafts and art.
Three years later, I was back. The island quickly felt like home. Once again, I was impressed by the magic everywhere and got to know the art and textile industry from a completely different perspective. I visited fabric markets, small productions and family businesses. I bought small quantities of handmade accessories and had a family tailor make me some clothes. I couldn't stop thinking how lucky I was to be able to experience all this and it quickly became a matter close to my heart to experience the Balinese way of life and bring other people a little closer to these traditional crafts. This was the beginning of SUN ON!
- Kaya (Founder of SUN ON Designs)